
Rose hip

Rose hips are a common medicinal plant that is often used in medicine. In pharmacies, they are sold in dried form, as well as in the form of syrup, tablets, and extracts.

From the fruits of this plant, you can make jam, marmalade, compote, sweets, jelly, kvas. In Swedish and Armenian cuisine soups are made from them. Tea is brewed with rosehip, and syrup is prepared from it. The rose hip jam is added to various sauces. Also, the product is used to make wine or rosehip alcoholic tincture.

Rose hip benefits

Although all the parts of the plant are helpful, most people use only the fruit. The calorie content of the product is quite small – 50 kcal per 100 g (fresh).
The rich vitamin composition gives the product various benefits. Rosehip contains a colossal amount of vitamin C: it is 10 times higher than in orange and lemon peels. Also vitamins B1, B2, PP, K have a general strengthening effect on the body. This is necessary for those people who have undergone infectious and viral diseases, as well as operations. The medicinal properties of rose hips include the ability to influence hematopoiesis, as they increase clotting. Moreover, rose hips contain trace elements such as potassium, sodium, iron, magnesium, tannins and peptides.

  • Rosehip decoction can be safely called a phytopreparation with an anti-inflammatory effect. Drinking a properly prepared drink will be an excellent source of vitamins and help strengthen the body’s immune system. It will help with exhaustion and during the period of vitamin deficiency.
  • Rosehip will be an excellent remedy for the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, as well as heart diseases – atherosclerosis, thrombosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease. In all cases, the product is indicated as an addition to the main treatment prescribed by the doctor.
  • Rosehip oil is also commonly used in cosmetology for maintaining the aging skin. The substances in its composition help to fight age spots, sagging, dry skin, as well as the
  • appearance of scars. Since rosehip oil contains minerals, it is not recommended to use it for young and problematic skin, which is characterized by excessive production of fat.

Different ways to use rose hips

Rosehip infusion is prepared from 10-15 fresh crushed fruits or 2 teaspoons of dried fruits. Pour 200 ml of water, cover the cup and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. Note that the first quick effect of rosehip tea is a laxative, but it also has a soothing effect on cramps, especially menstrual cramps.

Rosehip tincture is obtained from half a kilogram of pitted rosehip pulp, on top of which is placed half a kilogram of sugar or honey. It should be left to soak for a week until the formation of red syrup. Add half a liter of 60-degree alcohol to this syrup and leave it for 2-3 days to absorb.
Strain and store in bottles.

For the treatment of insomnia, it is recommended to take about a teaspoon every night.

Rosehip powder is prepared from dried rosehips, from which seeds are removed and finely ground in a coffee grinder. This powder should be consumed within a maximum of two weeks after preparation. Taking 1 to 2 teaspoons on an empty stomach can speed up the cure for flu and pneumonia.

Rosehip broth is prepared from a teaspoon of fruit and 200 milliliters of boiling water. Cook ше for 5-10 minutes, then strain and let cool. It is used for its therapeutic effect in the treatment of rhinitis, but also in colitis, hypertension, and in the treatment of alcoholism.

Rosehip wine (cider) is made from 10 kilograms of rosehip, 12 kilograms of sugar, 35 liters of water and lemon juice. You will need a glass container with a volume of about 50 liters, a decanter. The fruits are harvested in late autumn, washed well, passed through a meat grinder and placed in a glass container. Melt the sugar over the fire in 10 liters of water and lemon juice, boil for 10 minutes, then add the remaining water and pour the mixture. Cover it with a fermentation stopper and shake daily for 6-8 weeks till it becomes transparent. Rosehip cider has a diuretic effect and is recommended for liver and kidney diseases.

Rosehip syrup is made from a cup of rosehip to which half a kilogram of sugar and a liter of water are added. The mixture is boiled for half an hour over low heat, filtered and left to cool. This syrup is beneficial for improving peripheral circulation as well as detoxifying the body.

Rosehip oil also has many benefits, especially for those looking to get rid of stretch marks. Massaging the areas affected by stretch marks with this oil will make them fade over time. For the best effect, try to find 100% natural oil.

Rosehip tea – contraindications and side effects

Like any other product, rose hips have some contraindications. Doctors warn that it should not be consumed in excess, especially if seeds are also used, which can irritate the esophagus.Also one of the substances contained in rose hips is cyanide, which is toxic for our body. Without seeds, they have subtle side effects that only occur when consumed in large quantities.